On Homeschool & Unschooling

Nature Art & Play

That morning, Big E woke up ridiculously early – 6am!

Kept bugging me to wake up to paint. I had no choice… Thank goodness I had a good cup of coffee!

Since we had a huge tray of specimens collected from Bedok Reservoir the day before, what else but do a kick ass random painting with twigs, leaves and flowers!

Kid’s apron, acrylic paint from Daiso

Water spray can from Japan Home

Paper from Ikea

Brushes from Mother nature :p 

He was already in his school uniform before this. Big mistake. As expected, he dirtied his uniform (even with an apron) so I decided he shall be shirtless until we are done painting.


Tip: Just get 3 primary colours – Blue, red & yellow to mix and create an endless array of colours! Saves money too. $$$

We made 3 different types of brushes. One from twigs, which I tied a few small twigs on a bigger one using a rubber band. Another using a bunch of leaves and a small bouquet of pretty blue flowers.

Spray, drag, splatter… creating using movements.

Big E sprayed water over the paints to mix them up. We experimented with the twigs and leaves by splatting the paint on the paper & creating random movements.

So, it was quite a mess… I didn’t bother to do much cleaning up. Just wrapped up the entire piece of paper and threw it away. HA!

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